Sick Day

I swear I have had this cough for about 6 weeks now.  Since my Grandmother's funeral which was the first week in January.  Pretty sure it is no longer contagious though, Whew!  I went from a wicked chest cold and cough that had me down and out for a week (but I never missed work) to a flu-like 4 days with fever, vomiting and another chest cough and body aches.  I just started feeling right this past week and I am still rocking this dry cough.  I have been so grateful that while I have been sick and Jon has had some similar chest cold illnesses, the kids have remained pretty unscathed by the winter yuck.
That is until this weekend when Henry spiked a fever on Friday night that has been with him the entire weekend.  This boy is sick and it is heart breaking for this Mom.  Any other Mom's out there total emotional wrecks when their kids are super sick?  I'm not talking about sniffles and snot I'm talking about a fever that leaves him unable to move and glassy eyed.  He is drinking Gatorade like a champ and taking all the Tylenol and Ibuprofen I shove his way (we are alternating as he has never responded to Tylenol well but the IB isn't quite cutting the fever).  He wants to eat but can't muster the energy.  He wakes in the middle of the night as soon as the medicine wears off, in a total panic at how terrible he feels.  He even asked his sister to sleep in his room on the bottom bunk the past two nights, just in case he wakes up and needs one of us but can't get downstairs to get us. She has obliged because she is so worried about him.  Today he threw up a couple of times, which came out of nowhere.  He has had a cool rag on his forehead that turns hot in seconds and I just can't keep him fever free.  He has been falling asleep off and on all day, watching TV all day and hasn't played XBox ALL DAY.  You know he is really sick now.
Having a sick kid is just terrible.  I feel so sad and even though I'm doing everything I can do to take care of him, I just wish I could take it away.  I absolutely hate the way it feels to have a sick kid that you can't make better.  I don't know if it's just my empathetic nature or if all parents feel this way.  I think it is a bit of both.  Shoot me a comment or a message and let me know that I am not the only one who feels like my heart is breaking just watching this boy try to fight whatever it is that is wracking his body with illness.  I hope today is the worst of all of this.  I am both grateful and devastated that it is a long weekend and he had to spend it like this.
Whew boy this parenting gig is TOUGH.  Hope you are all healthy and rested and that your long weekend was spent doing much more interesting things than fighting illness.


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