Mindful Moments

A running list of ways that I can show up for me

1. Write EVERY day
2.  Read EVERY day
3.  Read and respond to articles
4.  Pinterest
5.  Candles
6. Coloring!
7.  Take the dog for a walk/Exercise
8. Hot Bath with Candles
9. Listen to music while knocking out those chores
10 Try a new recipe
11. Cook with someone you love

Pesto Chicken with my girl
Breakfast from my Hubby

A great way to start your day! What follows your "I AM's" sets the tone and direction for your day and your life.

A suggestion for today.
What do your "first ten minutes" look like?  Do you hit the snooze button and avoid the first ten minutes of your day?  Do you hop out of bed and wash your face first thing?  Do you make a strong cup of coffee?  Think about the first ten minutes of your work day too.  Do you take the time to say hello and Good Morning to your work mates or do you go straight into your office and shut the door, avoiding coworkers altogether?
Take the time today to look at your "first ten minutes" and decide what you can do to make them a more intentional part of your routine that will help frame your day in the ways YOU want them to.

Click on the link below to learn about some FREE ways to do something kind for yourself and feel free to share the article with friends!!


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