Daily Inspirations
Say It Be It
(A running list)
If you know me, you know I love quotes and I keep a HUGE running collection of them. I have an entire pinterest board dedicated to them and I have notebooks and journals filled with them. This will be an online collection of my latest finds and contemplations for your enjoyment.
"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."- Randy Pausch

This one is so incredibly poignant:

1 February 2019

Start this day and this month off right and try to keep positive today. XOXO Amy

You know who I'm talking about. You know the friends you have who feel like sunshine all the time. The ones you can't live without. The ones who make you feel just damn good to be around. Now think about this, you are someone's sunshine and they are keeping you close because you feel like sunshine to them. Good Day! XOXO Amy
4 February 2019

Working hard on remembering this one in 2019. This home is for living and enjoying and although we have more space now than we ever had before, it is not for storing junk. I don't want to spend half my life cleaning up junk and I certainly don't want to waste time or money collecting more junk. This house is for LIVING! XOXO Amy
5 February 2019

A bit hard for me on this "just got over the flu" rainy and dreary day. I have Discipline though and I know you all do too. XOXO Amy
6 February 2019
The greatest gift you ever give is your honest self- Fred Rogers
A little daily inspiration from one of the greatest.
7 February 2019

I definitely needed to be reminded of this today. If you are still working toward figuring out your dream, and you don't quite have it nailed down yet, remember that it is still achievable. XOXO Amy
8 February 2019

And repeat...and repeat...and repeat until it becomes a mantra.
11 February 2019

Life doesn't just happen to you, you create the life you have. So the real question should be, "what kind of life do I want and what am I going to do to get it?" You hold all the power within yourself, friends. What are you going to do for you today?
14 February 2019

Just keep swimming. Keep going. Don't stop.
15 February 2019

Feels like this kind of week for me. If it feels like this kind of week for you, I hope you can find the humor in this and find time to rejuvenate over the weekend.
18 February 2019

Don't forget to follow your own dreams. YOU are in charge of your destiny. Sure life will happen around you, but you ultimately get to decide.
19 February 2019

It is an important reminder for everyone that we are all people deserving of respect and kindness. Every person plays a role in your success and in life and all are important.
21 February 2019

25 February 2019

26 February 2019
Some days, merely surviving is enough. Don't forget that.

7 March 2019

11 March 2019

22 March 2019

Don't have any idea if this is true BUT I definitely feel it is worth a shot!
25 March 2019

I choose to believe this daily. There is a bigger plan for me, one that I don't always understand because it is a plan that isn't for mere mortals to understand. The reasons for everything are too vast for my human brain to understand but I feel that everything happens for a reason.
26 March 2019

People who think they know everything are the most ignorant. Great leaders and the most intelligent people realize that despite their knowledge, there are others who know more and know differently than they do. It is in using not only your gifts but the gifts of others around you that you show your true genius.
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