Simplify 2019

The first day of a new year is probably the most popular day to decide to make changes and set goals for how you will improve on this year and embark upon the changes you deem necessary to have a better year than the previous year. Everyone does it.  Everyone starts strong and motivated and although many new ideas stick, most of us fall back into our own comforts and slowly we just stop showing up for ourselves.  And no, it is not lost on me that I am posting this on the SECOND day of a new year.  And no, it also isn't a foreshadowing of what is to least I hope not!

Show up for yourself.  

This is one of my first gifts to myself this year.  I am going to refer to this over and over again.  All things go back to showing up for yourself.  Setting goals, learning new things, making new friends, going on new adventures, challenging yourself to make changes, letting old habits die hard, all of it goes back to showing up for yourself.  I will begin each day asking myself, "How will I show up for myself today?" and at the end of each day I will ask myself, "What did you do to show up for yourself today?"  This isn't some assignment I am formally giving myself, but more of a way to keep myself aware that I am prioritizing doing something for myself and my own well being each day.

As a mom, I often feel guilty when I show up for myself and I think we women do this in general to many extents.  Taking care of my own mental health is important and while I know this, I do not always do it (let's be honest, I rarely prioritize me and what I need).  I let my own needs go by the wayside and I convince myself it is because I am taking care of the "greater good' and trying to make sure everyone else's needs are being met at the sacrifice of my own.  It's an old equation right, 1 person's well being vs multiple person's well beings = greater good is more important than the 1.  While the math seems to work this way, it isn't completely true and I have to make sure my own well being is prioritized if I am to "show up" for the rest of my village in a healthy way.

So while I start 2019 with goals in mind and work hard at showing up for myself I am challenged to think of a formula that will work for me.  First of all I am going to write things down.  I will be keeping a running journal of lists and ideas and things I can do to keep me accountable to myself this year.

Speaking of keeping myself accountable, I am well aware that this is NOT a strong point for me and in fact a character flaw that I have.  Knowing this, helps me with the next part of my plan for 2019 which is to get a "work out partner."  You all know what I'm talking about.  Much like setting a goal to work out three days a week, the stats show (my stats show) that while I may be gung ho in the beginning, continuing the regime for myself becomes less and less important as things get busy.  BUT if I am forced to also show up for someone else, I will be there every time and on time for each meeting.  I am much less likely to let someone else down than I am to let myself down (which is why I am working on this, right?)  Blogging the journey will keep me accountable to others, which will keep me accountable to ME.

I will use this blog as an online journal, response to articles, mentoring, quote collecting, reading and writing smorgasbord of stuffs to keep me going through the times when I don't have motivation, ideas or much time.  This online journal of sorts will support not only me but all of the women I consider part of my tribe and together we will go on an epic journey.  20 minutes a day adds up to hours a week and if you're not careful you may end up with more time for you than you thought AND make some changes along the way!


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