It's All About the Kitchen and the Bathrooms

That is just embarrassing!! In the spirit of putting things out there and being real though, I am sharing the photo of my kitchen clean out.  I had to add another table in there just to have enough surface area to unload all of the cupboards and cabinets in this kitchen!

One thing I like about this Tidying Up and the Konmari Method, is the psychological aspect of it all.  Marie Kondo says to empty out ALL like things and make one large pile of a certain category in an effort to really see the amount of stuff you have.  It is super overwhelming for some people and I am one who really hates clutter and draws much anxiety from clutter too.  However, I LOVE this idea because it forces me to look at all the stuff we've accumulated and truly decide what I want to put back and continue "cleaning up" day after day.  This view of the kitchen would make me physically ill if it were a normal occurrence, but as part of the process of seeing the sheer amount of stuff, I got a great feeling from it, knowing it would be the last time it ever looked like this.

The kitchen has been reorganized and we are still getting used to some of the changes like, where the spices are now located and how the Tupperware must be put away and oh I'm going to love not having plastic tumblers "TUMBLE" onto my head every time I open that cupboard!

The next phase is the Master Bathroom repaint.  This bathroom hasn't been painted since we bought the house ahem...11 years ago.  Can't wait to finish it up tomorrow!  Here is a sneak peak at the color:

Wheat Bread by Behr
Thanks Home Depot!


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