Word of the Year

In a twist to the standard "New Year's Resolutions", I have been reading lately how people are choosing a "word of the year" to help them focus on the personal goals they have or things they want to work on and I am really digging it!

I have done things similar in the past and focused on things like, "Simplify" and "Be Kind" and I often write things on the family chalkboard to remind everyone of things that we should think about as well.  I really believe in the power of words and the importance of them and the meanings we assign to them.

I heard a friend speak about "Grit" and what it means to have grit in her everyday life and I just loved it.  I love all of the things with words!  I love quotes and I love story telling.  I like to write about life and the things I learn constantly about life all around me.  I love to read books and learn new things or just escape in a fictional story that keeps me turning the page.  The power of words have always been very important to me so the more I hear about focusing on a word of the year, the more I buy into the entire idea of words and FOCUS.

Here is my only problem with a "word of the year" and it isn't a problem with the concept, but more a problem with my fleeting nature and my million ideas a minute type of behavior.  I am unable to focus on any one thing for too long, a benefit and a weakness of my personality for sure.  My problem is that I don't think I can personally focus on just one for an entire year! Much like I have lost focus on every resolution I have set for myself by about April, I know I am more of an all around kind of girl than a just one kind of girl.  As I started looking up lists to work from, while I continued to develop this idea, I saw so many wonderful words that made me stop and think and I realized I will have to live 100 more years just to touch a tiny iota of the words I would like to focus on at times in my life.  I will work hard to live another 100 years, but in the mean time I think I am going to focus on a word a month, or maybe a word a week?  I haven't completely decided yet how I will go about this, but I will attach the list of words I am using for this next personal challenge, so you too can read and examine exactly what types of things you would like to focus on in your own lives over the course of the next year...or 100!
Word of the Year Ideas! Instead of writing a new year�s resolution, you could choose a focus word instead. A single word that encapsulates what you need more of, what you want to focus on, or what you need to improve on. Here are more than 300 ideas for c
Feel free to use this image for yourself as a journal prompt or to set your own personal goals for the year.  Maybe you just want to collect words because they are wonderful and this list is full of great ones.  I look forward to hearing about each of your yearly goals as I share mine with you throughout the rest of 2020!


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