The Thing They Didn't Tell Me About...Television Baking Shows

The Netflix revolution has brought a whole new bunch of television into our home and being a family that never had cable and hasn't spent a whole lot of time in front of the TV, it has been interesting to see what the kids get into.  I tend to like documentaries and true life stories.  Jon likes to watch adventuring and travel type shows.  The kids are all over the place with what they watch from cartoons to Disney series to the newest movies and then some.  The one thing that seems to link all of us is the cooking shows, specifically the baking shows.

The Thing They Didn't Tell Me About Television Baking Shows was...

They are good for the entire family to watch... TOGETHER!  It is difficult to find something that everyone enjoys or can get into, but these baking shows appeal to all of us.  We could binge watch these things all day long and sometimes we do!

They are super ADDICTING!  You will learn what the structured plot is in the first show, for example, in Nailed It! the contestants will first choose one of three desserts that they will recreate and then be judged on with the potential to earn the Golden Baker's Cap which will give them an advantage in the second round.  The second round will have them making some crazy intricate cake that a professional baker has created, in a short amount of time, and ultimately they will again be judged and a winner will be crowned.  Each of these shows has a format or "script" and once you've got it down, you can start to cheer for your favorite or against your least favorite baker and that is when you really get into the show.  Nailed It has a new cast of three amateur bakers and a new celebrity judge each episode, with a returning host and judge for every show as well.  Another show that has new bakers each episode is Sugar Rush which has professional bakers joining a group of judges for set challenges that allow them to showcase their skills and be eliminated throughout to crown one winner.

Some of the other shows like The Great British Baking Show and Zumbo's Just Desserts have a large group of competitor's that get whittled down each episode based on baking tasks and judging, which lends itself to each person choosing favorite competitors and routing for them the entire series.  These are the ones that can get even more addicting because over the course of time you see the contestants personalities develop and you "get to know" who they are as well as their strengths and weaknesses.  We always make predictions and get attached to our favorites and really get into the eliminations and tasks at hand.  These shows caught me by complete surprise!

Another reason I'd recommend getting into these shows as a family is because of how much fun these crazy desserts are.  Whether you are a baker or not (I am NOT) it is so fun to see all of these artistic creations and mixes of flavors.  Our daughter has gotten so into these shows that she and her Dad now plan a baking mission every weekend.  Sometimes it's a simple cake and other times they are scouring our cookbooks and looking for a recipe to try out that will impress our family.  This is by far my favorite part of what these baking shows have done for our family.  As I said, I do not bake, I can cook and I will help the kids with any cooking mission they would like to tackle, but I am not scientific enough to bake.  I like to throw in a little of this, a lot of that, and that does not work with baking.  I can follow a recipe, I just do not enjoy baking all that much.  My husband says yes to every baking request and he and our daughter make the list of ingredients and try out all kinds of recipes.  Just last week they made home made cream puffs and used his Grandmother's recipe.  It was intense and had multiple steps and techniques and it kept them busy all afternoon.  Callie was so excited to be able to present this pretty and technical dessert to all of us and we did a countdown as we all took our first bite!

These shows have brought many positives to our family since we have started to watch them together. 
1.  TV we can all agree on
2.  Trying out new recipes, making the list and learning new techniques
3.  Quality time while we are watching the show
4.  Quality time while they are baking together
5.  Learning how to do math, follow a recipe and create something new
6.  A new dessert every single week to try
7.  Creating something to share and something to be proud of.

While we aren't big on TV watching, these baking shows have brought much quality family time to us and we are always searching for new ones that we will assuredly fall in love with.  I hope you and yours can enjoy some of our faves as well!

Daddy Daughter time
Great Grandma's Cream Puffs

Made with Love


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