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CHEAP Laundry Detergent

I have shared this before, but not in a long while, so I thought I would share it again for those of you who are interested.  I have made my own laundry detergent for years (probably 8 or so) and it has saved me a ton of money and it gets the job done.  I still use regular fabric softener in each load and dryer sheets but the detergent is all mine.  Here is the recipe and instructions. LAUNDRY DETERGENT 1- 5 GALLON BUCKET WITH LID (NEW) 1 CHEESE GRATER 1 BAR FELS NAPTHA SOAP 1 CUP ARM & HAMMER SUPER WASHING SODA 1/2 CUP BORAX 1. Grate the bar of soap with cheese grater ($ Tree). 2.  Fill saucepan with about 4 cups of water and turn on med/high to get it simmering and add grated soap.  Stir constantly to dissolve as much as the soap as possible (it will turn the soapy water yellow and make some bubbles. 3.  Fill Bucket half way with hot water from tap. 4.  Add your melted bar of soap mixture, super washing soda and borax to bucket and stir 5.  Fill the res

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AMBITION: (n) a strong desire to do or achieve something