
Some of you have noticed and mentioned to me that you haven't heard from me in awhile.  That is oh so very true and other than the fact that in April we decided to get our home "Market Ready" and try to sell it, buy something new and get all moved in and settled before the school year started again for our children and myself, nothing much has been going on...

For REAL!!  This has been the craziest summer we have EVER had and we did put the house on the market, sell it, pack it up, buy something else, move everything AND attempt to get settled before everyone started back to school! Success!

I could write an entire comedic book about this entire experience and some day I might, but for now I'd like to put the traumatic experience behind us and just move forward in all aspects.  Many things were great and many more were awful about the entire process but I am proud to say that we survived everything and we love our new home and neighborhood.  There have been so many changes and just for fun I will make a short list for your enjoyment.

1.  The people who bought our old home are from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and are the most humble, interesting and amazing people (I secretly wish they could be my new neighbors) and are looking forward to raising their boys in a safe home.

2.  We were actually homeless for almost a full week and it was insanity, however the lovely folks at Home 2 Suites in Florence kept our family safe and sound during the unexpected transition time.  Kudos and shout out to Bonnie!!

3.  The kids now ride a school bus to school and they actually like it and their new schools very much.

4.  Galaxy the dog gets a mile walk every single night (due to sidewalks) and she doesn't actually need the Invisible Fence that came with the house.  In fact, it scared her to death and we opted out of using it.

5.  We have been their for less than 3 weeks but have already had our first guests, my brother and sister in law and our two nephews came to visit, hang out, eat and be merry and they were very comfortable and enjoyed the new house immensely.

6.  Callie has met and hit it off with our new neighbors and their daughter so well, that it's like we have another daughter in the house on most days (and it is wonderful)

7.  Almost every neighbor in the cul-de-sac has come to introduce or we have sought them out and we are now on a first name basis with nearly everyone and they seem to be very good peeps.

8.  It is because of our family and friends that we were able to pull off this entire process and it is because of the horrible experiences that we had through this, that I do not wish to ever move again...LIKE EVER.  Thank you a million times for every phone call, prayer, help loading the truck, help unloading the truck, help unloading boxes, painting, cleaning, feeding us, drinking beers with us and every other piece that went into making this happen.  Our children felt safe and loved during the entire process and we felt the love as well and couldn't be more grateful.

Now that we are in the new house and the dust has mostly settled, I will make sure to keep writing, recommending, reading and sharing with all of you.  Thanks for all of the things.


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