Give it to God

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I saw this sign this morning and it spoke to me in many important ways.  The first of which is the fact that I need the reminder and have to say OUT LOUD to myself, "Give it to God" often.  I have gotten lazy reminding myself that I just need to "Give it to God" and move on.

Another thing I thought about was the fact that my middle school son often comes into my room well after tuck in hours with things on his mind.  He struggles to calm his mind and allow sleep to come to him.  I too used to have a difficult time with this and sometimes still do.  I have enacted a set of prayers that I sing to myself or say to myself whenever I have trouble "slowing my mind."  Being a high anxiety type person, I have learned these types of coping strategies for myself, but have yet to find what works for him.  I also don't want to project my own "issues" onto him, although I know he has certain levels of anxiety, so I tend to drop back and wait until it is confirmed, so to speak, before offering suggestions and ideas.  Once I saw this I realized that when he visits me after bedtime with thoughts racing through his little mind, I am going to tell him this exact thing in the hopes that it will help him to calm his own thoughts.

The last thing I thought about when I saw this was more of a question in my mind, "Is it necessary to put it in big words right above my bed?"  At first I didn't think so, but after thinking about it for more time I realized that despite being one of my own favorite mantras, I too forget about using it and maybe I would benefit from reading it every single day. 

We moved over the summer and after seeing this I think I have found the new above the bed decor I will use in the master bedroom.  Give it to God...and go to sleep (crazy lady).


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